Fully substituted spermine-derived phenolamide synthesis requires sequential action of two BAHD acyltransferases in chicory flower buds, à soumettre
Bernard G, Buges J, Delporte M, Molinié R, Bouchereau A, Watrin A, Mathiron,D, Hilbert J-L, Rambaud C, Gagneul D
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Chicory –Chicory root flour- a functional food with potential multiple health benefits evaluated in a mice model J Funct Foods 74, 104174
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MeJA elicitation of chicory hairy roots promotes efficient increase of 3,5-diCQA accumulation, a potent antioxidant and antibacterial molecule, Antibiotics 9,659
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Efficient genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in chicory. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 1155
Bernard G, Gagneul D, Alves Dos Santos H, Etienne-Debaecker A, Hilbert J-L, Rambaud C
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Neofunctionalization of acyltransferases from the BAHD family results in the accumulation of unusual spermine-conjugated hydroxycinnamic acids in the pollen coat of the Asteraceae. 12th General Symposium of the French Society of Plant Physiology, Strasbourg, France
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Chicory polyphenols impact on gut microbiota composition and appetite regulation. 13th World Congress of Polyphenols Applications, Valletta, Malta, 30/09 – 1/10/2019
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The emergence of an unusual chemical signature in the Asteraceae family relies on the sequential action of Two BAHD acyltransferases. PlantBio 21 July 19-21
Buges J, Bernard G, Delporte M, Molinié R, Bouchereau A, watrin A, Mathiron D, Hilbert J-L, Ramabud C, Gagneul D
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Gut microbiota changes during chicory diet, ANTIMIC french-canadian symposium on natural antimicrobials, 2-4 juillet, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
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Edition par CRISPR/Cas9 de la voie de biosynthèse des lactones sesquiterpéniques chez la chicorée- Journée des jeunes chercheurs Condorcet J2C2, 9-10 janvier, Amiens, France
Justine Domont, Guillaume Bernard, Audrey Etienne, Harmony Alves Dos Santos, David Gagneul, Philippe Hance, Jean-Louis Hilbert, Thierry Cadalen, Caroline Rambaud
[Journal inconnu], 2020